Start of Session Preparation: Wi-Fi Setup for University Check-In

The Problem:
The university required reliable Wi-Fi coverage across three car park sites to facilitate student check-in during the start of session, ensuring smooth issuance of ID cards to new students. Contingency plans were also needed to address potential connectivity issues during this critical period.

What I Did:
As project manager, I coordinated the technical preparation and risk management for the university’s start-of-session operations. Key responsibilities included:

  • Ensuring Wi-Fi coverage across all three car parks by assessing existing infrastructure and overseeing the addition of an AP extension in one location.
  • Collaborating with third-party contractors to evaluate the need for new AP installations, ultimately deciding against it based on cost-effectiveness and timelines.
  • Implementing risk mitigation strategies, including provisioning SIM-enabled iPads and phones to serve as backups in case of Wi-Fi outages.
  • Assisting with troubleshooting on the day, addressing connectivity issues promptly to minimize delays and disruptions for students and staff.

The Outcome:
The project was executed successfully, achieving:

  • Reliable Wi-Fi connectivity across all check-in sites, supporting a seamless check-in process for hundreds of students.
  • Contingency plans ensured uninterrupted operations, even during minor technical issues.
  • Positive feedback from university staff for efficient preparation and execution during a critical time.


The university needed reliable Wi-Fi across three car parks for student check-ins. I managed preparations, extended AP coverage, and implemented contingency plans with SIM-enabled devices. The project ensured seamless connectivity, uninterrupted operations, and received positive feedback from staff for its efficiency.